I have already received messages from a number of colleagues with questions about my new U.GO pochade box. Coincidentally, the weather is not too good at the moment so I thought... Let me make an unboxing video...
You can see not only the unpacking, but also a bit of how it looks and works. In the meantime I have been working with this box for a long time and I am very satisfied with the U.GO. It is very nicely made and sturdy, does not weigh much and is set up very quickly. It has been with me a lot and also the canvas extenders that have just come on the market work well. (I also show them in the video) They give the opportunity to paint canvases on the pochade in addition to panels.
The U.GO is made by New Wave Art, it can be ordered there, but also in Europe at Peters Art
I hope it's of some use to you? and have fun watching! :-)
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