
Published on 30 April 2022 at 20:28

It was quite a cool day, but one with very beautiful cloudy skies and with flowers appearing everywhere. Of course I couldn't resist. With a wind force two it is therefore the time for a large canvas. I also call them "en plein air XL" (140 x 100 cm)...

The easel that can also handle these types of formats vertically was insanely sturdy. I was able to work without any worries, occasionally with a few nice people in canoes who liked to meet me there while painting. Furthermore, no walkers, so you can complete this work in peace on the waterfront.







"Berkel flowers" oil on canvas, 140 x 100 cm, 2022.

This work can be seen until 2 July 2022 at Kunst of Art in Laag-Keppel!